Quotes from Will on Ice
"Ugh, I hate clowns. They think they're so funny." -Grace
"Oh, Will, that's so 'Party of Five.'" -Will
"Oh yeah, that's where I want to be, on a boat in the middle of the ocean surrounded by a thousand lonely seasick queens weeping into their guacamole." -Will
"Oh, Grace, I AM your assistant. Now I may not be a whiz at the..." -Karen
"Computer." -Grace
"...or know how to work the..." -Karen
"Fax." -Grace
"...but, honey, I do know how to get where I need to be. Now hand me the -" -Karen
"Phone."- Grace
"Well, honey, I would have gotten that one." -Karen
"Cute waiters serving the oysters you love..." -Grace
"Do you s'pose I could get the oysters to serve the cute waiters I love?" -Will
"Not that big a deal? You just jumped into Jack's arms. The last time a woman did that - a woman has never done that." -Will
"He's my hero. He's the gay one." -Jack
"One?" -Karen
"I'm still an eight-year old. An eight year old with gray chest hair." -Will
"One. One gray chest hair." -Grace
"Actually, none, I tweezed it this morning. It was taunting me." -Will
"Y'know, you're not eight years old anymore. You can ask for what you really want." -Grace
"All right. Next year... I want a real cowboy." -Will