Synopsis of Will on Ice

Written by TK

Will and Grace are discussing what Will wants to do for his birthday. He says he never really gets what he wants for his birthday, so he's stopped expecting much. He just wants to go out for a nice dinner with his two best friends, Jack and Grace. Grace makes and face and tells Will that she thinks Jack doesn't like her. Will says she's imagining things.

Jack comes to Will's office to tell him his ideas for Will's birthday. Will rejects all the ideas, and says he just wants to go out for a nice dinner with his two best friends, Jack and Grace. Jack makes a face and says that he doesn't really like Grace.

Will, Grace, and Jack are all having dinner together, and conversation is at a stand-still (it's not yet Will's birthday). Will keeps trying to get Jack and Grace talking, but nothing seems to work. Finally, Will and Grace are looking at "Entertainment Weekly" and they see a picture of Michelle Kwan. Grace is a huge fan of ice-skating, as is Jack, while Will couldn't care less but is glad that Grace and Jack are finally getting along.

Grace is trying to make dinner reservations for Will's birthday. She can't get a reservation at any nice restaurant in New York. Karen uses her connections to make a reservation at Balthazar, and includes herself in it. Grace tells Will, and although he's not psyched that Karen will be there, he is very psyched to go to Balthazar.

Jack comes by Will and Grace's apartment with four tickets to "Champions on Ice." Grace is incredibly excited to attend until she finds out that the show is the night of Will's birthday, and since she knows Will hates ice-skating, she says they shouldn't go. Will sees how excited she is, and how this is bringing his two best friends together, so he says that they should go, and they'll have dinner at Balthazar afterwards. Grace makes sure it's really okay and is then very excited to attend.

Karen, Will, Grace and Jack are watching "Champions on Ice." Grace and Jack are enraptured, while Karen is disinterested and swigging champagne, and Will is hungry and feeling neglected. Finally, Will just walks out. Grace finds him hiding at home, and reminds him that all he needed to do was say that it wasn't okay, and she would have understood because he deserves to get what he wants for his birthday. She surprises him with the cowboy cake that he always wanted as a kid, and Jack surprises both of them by bringing home the ice-skating star Rudy Galindo.

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