Quotes from Ben? Her?

Jack: "I hate when they go snap, crackle, poop."

Jack: "What was that about, flincy?"
Will: "What do you mean?"
Jack: "You flinched, flinchy. Wifey tried to give you a smooch and you flinched. What's the matter, flinchy?"

Will: "That's the pot calling the kettle taupe."

Karen: "I need you to whip up a batch of Cosmos. The Bronsons came back from the party with us and I don't like them when they're sober."
Rosario: "Why don't I just squeeze you like a sponge. There's enough alcohol in you to fill a hottub."

Karen: "Jack, let me paint you a little picture of life here at Chez Walker. You may want to sit down for this. Nobody matters but me. Goodnight."

Karen to Grace: "You're boinking the head doctor, aren't you?"

Jack to Karen: "Rosario makes your bed, now lie in it."

Karen: "So listen, Rosario, I was thinking, maybe we should do more things together."
Rosario: "I don't drink."

Rosario: "I didn't sign on to work for a decent human being, I signed on to work with Miss Karen."

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