Quotes from Sweet and Sour Charity

Grace: "Oh my God, naked pictures of James Van Der Beek."
Jack: "What? Where? I knew he'd crack."

Grace: "I'm hung up on this, so we can either drag this out or we can just short-hand it."
Will: "Short-hand."
Grace; "Will, do it."
Will: "No."
Grace: "Please."
Will: "No."
Grace: "Come on."
Will: "All right."
Jack: "God, you two are so married."

Jack: "If my closet were like this I never would have come out of it."

Karen: "I have spent most of my adult life and millions of my husband's dollars learning about fashion. What are your qualifications?"
Jack: "Uh, I'm gay."

Kid: "I'm never ever gonna get married. Girls are yucky!"
Will: "Right back atcha, bro."

Grace: "No one ever said charity was easy."

Karen: "I heard an echo this morning in the fur vault."

Karen: "Husbands come and go but the Chanel sling-back is forever."

Karen: "Maybe it's like it says in the bible. I felt bad because I had no shoes, but then I met someone who had really bad shoes."

Will: "Out of the mouths of radishes."

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