Quotes from Last of the Really Odd Lovers

Will: I had a really good time with you, but you're twenty-three.
Scott: And three quarters.
Will: See, just the fact that your age has fractions....

Jack: I'm on my way to the theater.
Val: Oh, yeah? What are you seeing?
Jack: I don't see, I am seen.

Will: Hey, Leather Tuscadero.

Jack: Wow, Karen, I just totally killed.
Karen: Yeah, something died tonight.

Jack: What the hell are you doing here!?
Val: I live here.
Jack: No, you don't!
Val: I'm carrying your baby!
Jack: No, you're not!
Val: You're a musical genius.
Jack: Okay, I'll give you that one.

Val: I'm wearing your dirty bath water in a vial around my neck.

Val: I pretended that your jock strap was an oxygen mask all day today.

Will: Maybe she's found a way to freeze-dry evil so that we can drink it when she's not here.

Grace: Shouldn't you leave? Don't you have something to do?
Will: Like what?
Grace: Gym?
Will: Went.
Grace: Eat?
Will: Am.
Grace: Poop?
Will: Twice.
Grace: Lucky.

Grace: I'm dating Sneezy.

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