Quotes from Girl Trouble

Will: And then I guess there'll be a Q and A.
Grace: Okay, I've got a Q. Why am I bored off my A?
Will: I don't know, but why are you being such a B?

Jillian: Okay, let me just get this dorky stuff out of the way, okay? I love you, I love your work, I love you and your work. Okay, now I can be my regular hip self. I love you, I love your work, I love you and your work.
Will No, I can't imagine why you like her.
Jillian: I'm sorry, I don't know you, but you should never do British.

Terry: We didn't know the appropriate gift for a gay-sensitivity seminar training rehearsal.
Annie: So, we brought a cactus.

Grace: Why all the mirrors?
Jillian: I want him to see his chubby cheating ass from all angles.

Karen: Grace, I thought we talked about the beret. Patty Hearst couldn't even pull one off and she had money and a gun.

Karen: Okay, rule number one: unless you're served in a frosted glass, never come within four feet of my lips.

Terry: This guy is an idiot!
Jack: I'm smart enough to sleep with men!

Will: I can try to appeal to you as a thoughtful gay man but, ironically, that would be fruitless.

Grace: Today is the day we learn about upholstered walls. What's that you say? Upholstered walls? That's madness, that can't be done. Oh, but it can.

Jillian: What's her deal, like, where is she from?
Grace: Um, I think she just appeared fully formed under a moist stone.

Grace: You have a pore in your nose you could serve dip out of!

Will: What's with the voice?
Jack: I was trying to find my character and I came up with this voice.
Will: Well, Angela Lansbury wants it back.

Karen: Watch your mouth, or I'll wash it out with cheap vodka.

Karen: Listen, get your ass over to Bergdorf's and buy her an I'm sorry gift, something she'd like. But nothing red.... or orange.... or yellow or green or stripes or plaid or zippers or epaulets. Or fur or feathers or sequins or pleats.

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