Quotes from Marry Me a Little

Karen: Oprah can be a lot of fun... and there's no one I'd rather have watching my back in a bar fight.

Jack: Um, look, Leo, I know you're new here, and, um, we don't want you to think we're really cliquey and don't let anyone in our little group, but, um, well, we're really cliquey and we don't want anyone in our little group.
Karen: So, if you want to break into the fag four, this symbol of gay oppression has got to go.

Grace: You're Katie Couric. I love you.
Katie: Well, thank you. I'm sure if we spent more time together I'd love you too.

Jack: Don't get too comfy. You may have Penelope Cruzed your way in, but, uh, you can just as easily be Mimi Rogered out.

Leo: Don't break him. I still need him for the 20% of you I can't handle.

Karen: See folks? Some people do buy the cow. How about that?

Grace: Who's Marvin?
Leo: That'd be me.
Grace: Your name is Marvin?
Leo: Yeah, yeah. People always call me Leo 'cause my name is Marvin.

Will: And look at these boutonniers: dead.
Jack: They're fine.
Will: Oh, they're dead my friend. They just made contact with John Edwards.

Karen: Oh, look at me, I'm crying.
Grace: No, you're not.

Karen: Honey, look at 'em. After all these years, Will and Grace are finally getting married. Am I crying yet?
Jack: Still no.
Karen: Now?
Jack: Nuh uh.
Karen: How about now?
Jack: No.
Karen: Stick a pin in my arm.
Jack: I am.

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