Quotes from Board Games

Jack: Bomb scare at Out TV. Everyone got the day off to see the new Jude Law movie 'cause they're scared it's gonna bomb.

Vince: Y'know, you're working over my superego like it's a side of beef.

Will: Remember, since Stan died, you are the face of Walker Inc., and unlike the previous face, yours isn't covered in pudding.

Grace: I've been popular my entire life. Except for those two years in junior high when my head gear was attached to my scoliosis brace. I looked like scaffolding. Kids used to hang out on me and smoke.

Jack: You're reading too much into it.
Grace: He has his hands down Vince's pants.
Jack: Yes, and if they were straight guys I would definitely agree that they're having an affair, but for gay guys a hand down the pants just means hello, goodbye and peace. It's our shalom.

Lawyer: We have got a major catastrophe going on.
Will: Look, he was elected. We just have to accept it and move on.

Karen: Someone's after Stan's company? I will not let that happen. I built that company, from the waist down.

Wooley: I have devoted my entire life towards getting revege. At first I tried living well, but it turns out that's really not revenge at all.

Will: Beam me up, Wooley!

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