Quotes from The Blonde Leading the Blind

Will: You know that New York Magazine named her one of the top 75 therapists in the city. And if you don't count Jews, top two!

Georgia: I'd like you to write a letter to your younger self apologizing for what you've done and warning him not to make the same mistakes.
Will: How long does it have to be?
Georgia: I'm guessing it's going to be quite long.
Will: Should it be typed or hand-written?
Georgia: I don't care. I'm not going to read it.

Karen: Who could forget your "God is coming and she is pissed button?" Ha ha ha... God as a woman. It's funny 'cause it's blasphemous.

Grace: She wants to study me. She thinks I'm interesting.
Will: You're not interesting! We passed, like, twenty of you on the way here.

Will: Do you fake mental illness?
Grace: I don't have to! This crazy is allll real!

Jack: All straight people age.

Jack: There's no shame in getting old, there's only shame in getting ugly.

Grace: I am way crazier than him. I almost cut off all my hair off today.
Will: Oh, please, she would never cut off her hair, it's half her personality.

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