Quotes from Friends with Benefits

Karen: It's fun to mess with feelings.

Karen: Stan had a big heart. Well, not so much big as engorged and filled with cheese.

Will: I quit because I wanted to do something meaningful with my life. And I know what it is. Writing.
Karen: Well, then I know what I'm not going to be doing. Reading.

Grace: He was so romantic. He always made sure that his roommate was asleep before we'd do it.

Karen: And here he comes again, barking up the Grace tree.
Grace: Heh heh... he sure is.
Karen: Sniffing at your rotting fruit... looking for a place to lift his leg.
Grace: That started fun.

Karen: I wish I had a handsome man visiting me at work.
Beverley: Well, well, well, well.
Karen: Instead, I have the world's oldest girl.
Beverley: Keep it up, Karen Walker, I'll add that insult to my complaint.
Karen: The only complaint you have is that the American Kennel Club hasn't recognized you as a breed yet.

Karen: Get out of here, you angry inch.

Malcolm: I would pay to watch squirrel racing.
Will: I would pay to see the jockeys.

Karen: Oh, he's cute. And I usually find redheads hideous. So, tell me, does the carpet match the drapes?
Tom: I don't know. I've got wood floors.

Karen: Anyone who's slept with Grace deserves a free meal.

Malcolm: Will Truman?
Will: Malcolm, what a coincidence.
Malcolm: Is it? Or have I been following you all day?

Jack: Only members of the crew are allowed to touch a crew's member.

Randall: Bitch, I got a beard and three gray pubes.

Rosario: Sleep with your lights on, white devil, your time is coming.

Jack: I'm the producer, all right. Got it? I'm in charge. When I say, "Jump," you say, "In what shoes?"

Malcolm: I'm into women. I don't care if they were born that way, so long as they are now.

Grace: Wow, I can't believe how long we've been here. I never even looked at any of the art. Ha!
Tom: Well, we could do it now.
Grace: Too many stairs.

Grace: Who the hell put this freakin' ram here?

Will: What's Jack Talk?
Grace: I think it's the thing he does in the shower with his penis.

Karen: Rosie took me shopping. I've never been to a bodega in Spanish Harlme before.
Rosario: That was Macy's.
Karen: Macy's. Hear me? I'm speakin' Spanish.

Rosario: I'd wring your neck, but I don't want to be standing in a puddle of gin.

Jamie: Jack, if I'm right about this, this entire city's gonna want to sit on both your faces.

Elizabeth/Dave: You got pores like gopher holes.

Will: You scared me.
Malcolm: I guess we all feel a little jumpy and unsafe with Martha Stewart's release.

Karen: If we do everything together, then what are we? Will and Grace. And that's just sad.

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