Quotes from Will & Grace & Vince & Nadine

Grace: Oh, God, this damn thong is riding up so high I can feel it in my throat!

Will: I'm having a dinner tomorrow night, and it's really important that it goes well....
Jack: Say no more. We won't show up.
Karen: Thank you.

Karen: Last night I accepted a new position! Then, after my date left, I got a call about a new job.

Vince: Ah, jeez, I got papaya on my cuff. Dad was right, I can't have nice things.

Grace: No one is that sweet and nice. She's like a Stepford Hag.

Nadine: If your eyebrows were any more tweezed you'd be Nicole Kidman!

Will: You know the old saying: if the hag hates you, the fag don't date you.

Grace: I think you're super, and Vince is so sweet.
Nadine: He is. Like sugar wrapped in honey dipped in hugs.

Grace: You will never have him.

Grace: Sex with a stranger on public transportation? That girl's gonna be okay.

Grace: Back off, you're never gonna have me.

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